7 Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

Want to know the real secret to crushing it as a dad-preneur? It’s not about working harder or sacrificing family time. It’s all in your head. These 7 mindset shifts changed my life and will change yours too.

1. From “I don’t have time” to “I make time”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

We’ve all said, “I don’t have time to start a business.” But here’s the truth – we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s not about having time; it’s about making time.

I used to think I was too busy with work and family to pursue my business dreams. Then I realized I spent two hours every night scrolling through social media and watching TV. That was time I could have used to build my future.

Start by tracking your time for a week. You’ll be surprised at how much time you’re wasting. Then, start carving out pockets of time for your business. 

Wake up an hour earlier, use your lunch break, or work after the kids go to bed. It’s not about finding huge chunks of time. Even 30 minutes daily can make a big difference.

Remember, you’re not just making time for your business. You’re making time for your dreams and for your family’s future. That’s worth skipping a few episodes of your favorite show.

2. From “I can’t” to “How can I?”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

“I can’t start a business; I don’t have any capital.” “I can’t learn coding; I’m not tech-savvy.” Sound familiar? It’s time to ban “I can’t” from your vocabulary.

Every time you catch yourself saying, “I can’t,” replace it with, “How can I?” This simple switch turns obstacles into challenges and dead ends into opportunities.

 This mindset shift doesn’t just apply to business. Use it in all areas of your life. “I can’t find time to exercise” becomes “How can I fit exercise into my busy schedule?” You’ll be amazed at how many solutions you come up with when you ask the right questions.

3. From “What if I fail?” to “What if I succeed?”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

So many of us are held back by fear of failure. We focus on all the things that could go wrong and how we may fail. But what about all the ways you may succeed?

Instead of asking, “What if I fail?” start asking, “What if I succeed?” What if my business takes off? What if I can quit my 9-to-5 and have more time with my family? What if I can create generational wealth for my kids?

This shift in perspective was game-changing for me. Suddenly, the potential rewards far outweighed the risks. It gave me the courage to finally take the leap.

So, try this mindset shift the next time you hesitate to take action. Focus on the potential upsides instead of the potential downsides. It may just give you the push you need to get started.

4. From “I don’t know how” to “I’ll figure it out”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

In the age of Google and YouTube, “I don’t know how” is no longer a valid excuse. Whatever you need to learn, the information is out there. You just need the willingness to find it and figure it out.

Interested in a topic? Spend hours watching YouTube tutorials, reading blog posts, and participating in online forums. Yes, there will be a learning curve. Yes, you’ll make mistakes. But with each obstacle you overcome, your confidence will grow.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. The difference is they were willing to figure it out. Embrace this mindset, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

5. From “I need to do everything perfectly” to “Done is better than perfect”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. If you wait until everything is perfect before you start, you’ll never start at all.

The truth is that you learn more from launching an imperfect product. Then, improve it based on real-world feedback than you ever will from endless planning and tweaking.

This doesn’t mean you should put out sloppy work. It means you should focus on creating something good enough to start with and improve it over time. Remember, Facebook wasn’t built in a day. It started as a simple website for college students and evolved.

Embrace imperfection. Launch that “good enough” product. Write that “not quite perfect” blog post. Take action, learn from the results, and improve as you go.

6. From “I have to do it all myself” to “I need to build a team”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

Many of us dad-preneurs fall into the trap of thinking we must do everything ourselves. We wear all the hats – CEO, marketing manager, product developer, customer service rep. But this mindset is a fast track to burnout.

I learned this lesson the hard way: Successful entrepreneurs don’t do everything themselves; they build teams.

This doesn’t mean you need to hire full-time employees right away. Start small. Can you outsource your social media management? Hire a virtual assistant for a few hours a week? Partner with someone whose skills complement yours?

Building a team frees up your time and brings new skills that can take your business to the next level. Plus, it allows you to focus on what you do best rather than spreading yourself too thin.

7. From “Work-life balance” to “Work-life integration”

Mindset Shifts That Will Skyrocket Your Success as a Dad-preneur

Here’s a controversial opinion: Work-life balance is a myth, especially for dad-preneurs. Trying to perfectly separate your work and family life is not only impossible but also unnecessary.

Instead of balance, aim for integration. Find ways to blend your work and family life in a way that feels good to you and your family.

You can involve your kids in your business. Maybe they help you brainstorm product ideas, are your models for product photos, and even help pack orders sometimes. 

Doing this allows you to spend time with them while working. It also teaches them valuable skills and gives them insight into entrepreneurship.

Integration may also mean taking work calls while at the park with your kids. Also, bringing your laptop to their sports practice so you can work during downtime. The key is to be fully present in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s work or family time.

This mindset shift takes the pressure off trying to achieve perfect balance. Instead, it allows you to create a lifestyle that works for you and your family.

Your Mindset, Your Success

These mindset shifts aren’t just feel-good mantras. They’re powerful tools that can transform your life and your business. 

They’ve helped me go from a stressed-out, unfulfilled employee to a successful dad-preneur with more time for my family.

Remember, success starts in your mind. Change your thoughts, and you’ll change your life.


I'm just a Dad trying to help other Dads level up their lives. I like comic books (and comic con!), coffee, creative outlets, and making extra money.

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